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Health Economic & Outcomes Research

Evidence Synthesis

Our services in Health Economic & Outcomes Research include:

We deliver high quality narrative systematic reviews and quantitative meta-analyses. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential components of the health technology assessment (HTA) process. They are widely used to synthesize and better assess clinical profiles of medications and other health care technologies. Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses remain at the forefront of health research.

We have an extensive experience in this field, from defining research questions and developing comprehensive search strategies, through to the assessment and analysis of the data. We ensure transparency and reproducibility of process, conforming to the PRISMA Statement.

Our multi-disciplinary team of analysts, statisticians, and medical writers is able to:

  • Search for studies and select those fulfil the criteria,
  • Abstract data from the studies,
  • Assess the quality of abstracted data,
  • Analyze data using appropriate statistical methods, and
  • Synthesize reliable evidence-based data and studies in order to answer specific questions concerning health industry issues.

Mixed treatment comparisons, also known as indirect treatment comparisons and network or multiple-treatments meta-analyses, allow for the comparison of treatment interventions where little or no evidence is available from head to head randomized clinical trials. Our team members have experience with this recent advance in meta-analysis methodology, from the collection of all available evidence to performing the analysis.